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Vance's to Jackal Jan 14-16 '19

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:53 pm
by jckeeler
Two bluebird days. Skied in from Ski Cooper to Vance's: 1:45. Did some skiing on Taylor Hill, another party went further to Chicago Ridge where there were some good runs.
Vance's to Jackal via Cataract Creek: 7 hours. In hindsight, probably a better ski from Jackal to Vance's because more open meadows for the downhill sections. The 800' elevation gain from where you leave the Colorado Trail to the saddle between Jackal and Pearl Mtn. was a slog: trail unbroken and steep. Still a fine day.
Jackal to Ranch Creek TH: 1.5 hours. Some decent turns in the woods next to the trail on the descent. Great trip.