Selling Sangree Froelicher 4/25-26 2025

If you are exchanging hut space with other users: Do not charge more than what you paid. Please forward a copy of the hut trip confirmation email to the buyer as proof of reservation, and advise the buyer that the confirmation email contains a link to required waiver forms, the code to enter the hut, and links to additional trip information pages. Keep a record of the buyer's contact information.
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Selling Sangree Froelicher 4/25-26 2025

Post by Jokicstrong »

I just received this hut for next year through the lottery. Unfortunately, my group has another hut on this weekend, so can’t make it. Sleeps 16. I paid $1045 since half our party would have been kids, and will sell it for that. Please reach out if interested. Thanks!
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Re: Selling Sangree Froelicher 4/25-26 2025

Post by chelslaw »

Hi there!
Would you be interested in a trade instead of selling? I have two different reservation for FULL HUT bookings for nights of April 18th & April 19th, 2025.

Another member of my group and I both got lottery bookings for the same weekend so we have two different huts you could choose from.

Eager to get rid of one and we're flexible on which.

Text me (Nine70 Two50 One873) if you're interested and we can discuss details.

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Re: Selling Sangree Froelicher 4/25-26 2025

Post by Jokicstrong »

Hi Chelsea, unfortunately we are not up for a swap. We have too many already! Good luck!
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Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:19 pm

Re: Selling Sangree Froelicher 4/25-26 2025

Post by aanasa »

Hey Jokicstrong -

Is this reservation for two nights? Also, you have the whole hut reserved right? If both are true, I'm definitely interested!
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